Acquiring Director Identification Number (DIN) and Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership [LLP]
Periodical advisory and/or retainership for Private Company / LLP / Closely held Company / Listed Company / Joint Venture Company / Not For Profit Company for Company law related matters
Search Report about Company as per Registry Records
Services related to Creation / Modification / Satisfaction of Charge
Secretarial issues relating to –holding of meetings, maintenance/filing of records/returns, Corporate Governance, ESOP, Buy back, Takeover, Insider Trading etc.
Shifting of Registered office of the Company within the state and from one state to another.
Compliances for Alteration in Memorandum and articles of association of the Company.
Buy Back of Shares
Conversion of Private Limited to Public Limited and vice-versa.
Transfer and Transmission of shares and issue of Duplicate share certificates
Compliances related to Remuneration paid to Managing and Whole Time Directors
Compliances relating to transactions with interested directors and relatives, holding of office or place of profit by Directors and relatives.
Acceptance and borrowing of deposits
Filing of periodical forms for matters relating to Balance Sheet, Directors, Capital structure, Registered office, Alterations in Memorandum and Articles of Association
Winding‐up and striking‐off the name of Company under Fast Track Closure Scheme Annual Filing in XBRL format & certification thereof.
Application for approval / compounding to Regional Director.
Drafting various petitions for compounding of offences, and Appearing as Representative before Company Law Board, Regional Director, Registrar of Companies
Liaison and co-ordination with the Registrar and Share Transfer Agents, Stock Exchange(s), Depositories and the Securities and Exchange Board of India